Ergebnis der Suchanfrage nach Max Brauer


3 Treffer
  • 15.12.2022 – 10:15

    TeamDrive Systems GmbH

    TeamDrive wants to take over Hornetdrive

    TeamDrive wants to take over Hornetdrive Hornetsecurity is separating from Hornetdrive to focus on its core business with Microsoft 365 security, compliance, governance, backup and security awareness training. More functions and services after the transition of operations to TeamDrive. Hornetdrive will continue to operate unchanged, no changes from the user's point of view. TeamDrive boss Detlef Schmuck: "An important ...

  • 03.03.2022 – 14:10

    TeamDrive Systems GmbH

    TeamDrive: Free Data Service for Ukraine Aid

    TeamDrive: Free Data Service for Ukraine Aid Managing Director Detlef Schmuck: "A protected and eavesdrop-proof IT infrastructure represents the backbone of any well-organized aid effort" Hamburg/Germany, March 3, 2022 - The Hamburg-based data service provider TeamDrive is now making its cloud service for data exchange available free of charge to all people with a Ukrainian passport, all privately organized Ukraine aid ...